Becoming Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certified is a requirement for working with our Registered Angus cattle at Premier Angus Genetics. A large part of the beef industry’s job involves making sure that beef is safe and wholesome for consumers. The BQA program teaches cattle handling methods that improve gathering, penning, proper administration of vaccinations, other chute work, and hauling.
At Premier Angus we hold several certifications and memberships, among them are:
We are proud to have a staff member here at Premier Angus with a Masters of Beef Advocacy 2.0 Certification. The new MBA 2.0, funded by Beef checkoff, is an online training program to better equip beef producers with the necessary information to act as every day advocates for the beef industry. In order to receive an MBA 2.0 Certification, five areas of beef advocacy must be completed:
• The Beef Community
• Raising Cattle on Grass
• Life in the Feedyard
• From Cattle to Beef
• Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner
For questions about our operation, credentials, or for more information, contact us at any time.